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1st CALL FOR PROPOSALS OF COMMON PROJECTS First call for proposals:The 1st call for project proposals aims to select high-quality cross-border projects in which the relevant actors work together to make border regions more resilient to common challenges, find common solutions in areas such as environment, research, education, transport , sustainable energy, tourism, health and … Μάθετε περισσότερα

Single Market Programme (SMP) – Call for proposals – Social Economy Missions for Community Resilience (SMP-COSME-2023-RESILIENCE)

Objective: The general objective of this call is to boost the development of social economy SMEsactive in rural areas. The project is aiming at building a European network of regionaland local authorities with converging priorities on social economy and creating spaceand opportunities at EU level for learning and collaboration.This call for proposals will support consortia … Μάθετε περισσότερα

European Solidarity Corps (ESC) – Quality label decentralised (ESC50-QLA)

Objective of the call:The European Solidarity Corps quality mark certifies that an organization participating in the European Solidarity Corps is able to ensure the necessary framework conditions for the participation of young people in solidarity activities in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps and further requirements , which are described … Μάθετε περισσότερα

EPALE Community Conference 2023 – Bloom! Skills for the future

Not to be missed for anything in the world: the 2023 EPALE online Community Conference is scheduled for 10, 11 and 12 October! Let’s celebrate the ongoing change, growth and evolution behind lifelong learning and skills acquisition. Allow yourself to undertake such a transforming process, in the context of the European Year of Skills. Bloom! Skills … Μάθετε περισσότερα


INTERREG VI-A IP III CBC GREECE – ALBANIA Program 2021-2027The Interreg program “Greece-Albania” supports the cooperation between the two countries. In this way, we join forces and use the advantages of our cross-border region to achieve mutual benefits for both countries.You can see the Scheduled Invitational schedule by clicking here.


Erasmus+ opportunitiesOpportunities for organizations:Those who wish to participate in Erasmus+ can carry out various development and networking activities, such as the strategy of improving the professional skills of their organizations, capacity building and the creation of transnational cooperation partnerships with organizations from other countries with the aim of achieving results or change best practices. These … Μάθετε περισσότερα

Call for proposals for EU action grants in the framework of the Digital Europe program (DIGITAL-2023-PROGRAM-SUPPORT-04)

Objective:The aim is to bridge the gap between digital technology research and market development. Investments under the Digital Europe program support the European Union’s twin objectives of green transition and digital transformation, while strengthening the Union’s resilience and digital dominance. Issues and priorities: Eligibility:To be eligible, applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:have legal status (public … Μάθετε περισσότερα

Call for proposals (HORIZON-MISS-2023-CLIMA-01)-“Adaptation to Climate Change”

Objective of the invitation:Based on research and innovation, the HORIZON-MISS-2023-CLIMA-01 mission sets specific goals and offers solutions, incorporating nature-based approaches. The supported projects will be of particular importance for the upcoming Nature Restoration Act, which will set targets for the restoration of degraded ecosystems. Issues and priorities: Eligibility:To be eligible for funding, applicants must be … Μάθετε περισσότερα